joi, 30 martie 2017

Swiftshop POS v1

What is Swiftshop POS
Swiftshop is a point of sale desktop application designed to manage your shop, mall, boutique, warehouses, retail business etc. Swiftshop keeps records secure and accurate, generating receipts and reports.
Why Swiftshop?
If you handle records manually, through some spreadsheet application, or handle a lot of records every day, you need an effective and easy way to manage these records. Swiftshop meets these needs by making it easy to store and navigate records for your business, as easy as clicking a few buttons to get the desired result.
Some Swiftshop Features
Secured Access
Group Products into Categories
Products Inventory
Speedy Sales
Email Capability
SMS Capability
Customize everything
Customer CRM
Print receipts
Print reports
Print Invoices
Custom payments
Manage Users
Get 10% off on all purchases!: Discount 15.999 USD

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