miercuri, 30 august 2017

Bad Words Filter

The internet is full of all kinds of stuff, both the good and the very bad. Leaving your kids to surf in the internet openly without controlling them may be very dangerous.  It is important to protect your kids from having access to all kinds of contents because whatever they read or learn  will shape their  future and their way of mentation.  The bad words filter toolbar has been made for every 5 popular browsers to help you in caring and educating of your kids. With installing this toolbar if your beloved kid go to a page which contains obscene words, Immediately  the bad words will be blocked and it will preventing from the bad influence of these words on your kid.  Features:      Compatible with various browsers      Detecting and blocking more than 340 obscene words     Quickly word filtering and without effect of lacking of speed in loading pages.     Without ads, spyware and other threats

: Discount  USD

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