vineri, 1 martie 2019

Assassin's Creed Edward Kenway Costume for Adults, Brown/Heather Lake Blue/White, Size XL | LF Products Pte. Ltd.

First and foremost, let us put this out there. We think that everyone in the world should just get along with each other and no one should assassinate anyone else. Now that we've said that, it's certainly no crime to dress up like a member of the Assassin Order. And why wouldn't you? The Assassins from the Assassin's Creed games wear such killer outfits, even the mildest mannered folks who wouldn't hurt a fly want to wear the outfit of an Assassin. Let's take a look at why the distinct look works by examining dashing pirate-rogue Edward Kenway's outfit from Black Flag. First off, there's his coat, which looks like a mix between a classic fantasy rogue's attire and a pirate swashbuckler's coat. It even has a hood, making it almost feel like a modern-day hoodie (which, as we all know, is perhaps the best article of clothing ever invented in the history of mankind). He even wears some a pair of leather gauntlets that let him hide some deadly daggers (probably). Now, this Assassin's Creed Discounted at only: US$ 49.99

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