sâmbătă, 5 august 2017

Nice FAQ Script

Nice PHP FAQ Script (Knowledge base Script) is a great tool for your website, to provide answers to your visitors most frequently asked questions. Our Nice FAQ Script (Knowledge base Script) reduces webmaster's (or site owner's) burden of replying to similar and repetitive queries.

TIP: You can also use Nice PHP FAQ Script as a search engine optimized (SEO) collection of articles. This will give you better visibility in search engines. Plus it will give good content to visitors so that can keep referring your site to others for information.

So use Nice PHP FAQ SCRIPT (PHP FAQ script / Knowledge base script / PHP Seo Script) to:
- Share information
- Increase sales
- Provide better support
- Increase TRAFFIC through SEO (PHP Seo script advantage!)
- Enhance your online business success


ONLINE DEMO (Front End):
ONLINE DEMO (Admin End):

Special discount: Discount 3.9 USD

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